Sorry for the long silence, I was dealing with some stuff. But anyways, I added support for AJAX to the site. This means that the browser window won't be reloaded with every single action (click on a…
Darknet update is here!
2020-07-12 15:47:38
Darknet update is here (although couple hours earlier)! To test the new mechanic, all player money has been capped at $500.000 and drug inventories and building storages have been emptied.
NOTICE! All player inventories and money will be reset
2020-07-05 17:54:52
With the new darknet update coming soon, I will be emptying all player's drug inventories and cutting off money at $500,000.
The new darknet works in…
Big darknet update coming
2020-07-03 19:09:57
You may have noticed that there hasn't been much updates lately. First reason is that I have been completely overwhelmed with work for the past couple of weeks. But the second reason is, I've been…
Account settings and upcoming updates
2020-06-12 19:16:13
Date and time preferences have been added to account settings, where players will be able to set their timezone to display the correct times in-game. More account settings are planned in the near…
Future updates
2020-05-27 21:38:01
Currently, I'm working on finishing the player assaults (better animations, add rewards/penalties, notifications, maybe some leaderboard just for assaults) and when that's done, I'll start working on…