Смертоносный вирус охватил весь земной шар. Выживешь ли ты?
Новый смертельный штамм коронавируса распространяется по всей планете. Мировая экономика пала, а правительства разваливаются. Присоединяйся сейчас, чтобы выжить в этом мрачном будущем.
Игра находится в раннем доступе, новые возможности и улучшения появляются каждую неделю.
2025-01-21 11:50:15
Want to be involved in the development process of the game and support the project at the same time? All Immune players will get access to a special development server where they can…
2024-07-09 19:36:40
My apologies for not releasing any new features in a long time. I have faced some financial difficulties that had to be dealt with and didn't have much time to focus on anything else. I'm still…
2024-01-07 12:19:13
Premium features were launched today with integration via Stripe! There are two subscriptions available for Premium Account upgrades, Survivor for $5/month and Immune for $15/month. The benefits of…
2023-09-18 08:30:48
On the night from yesterday to today we have moved to a new server under a new hosting provider. The migration seems to have been successful without any major issues and all player data should be…
2023-03-15 00:14:28
Please, to all players from within Russia, read this. I came across this post and I just can't…